Friday, February 20, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning the vocabulary related to our science experiments in order to get ready for the Science fair (coule, flotte, lai, riz, papier, bois, etc ...) and we also went on practising to express what they ate the day before : 'Hier j'ai mangé .... '
They watched the play about the spider

-Science : we revised all the experiemnt and vocabulary to get ready for the Science Fair

-Reading and writing : We learnt two new letters : H and W
We went on practising the writing of all the letters plus these two new ones
We went on working on the new copy book to go on practising writing and recognizing letters
I also made them practise writing their names on a much more frequent basis

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody at their own rhythm. We alos went on working the association between the number itself and its name with several activities

-Art : they did some cutting and gluing to make the science fair poster

-Music and poem : we started learning a new poem about food that you can find below

Oh ! Les gourmands!

Qui a pris le chocolat ?
- Ce n’est pas moi, c’est le chat !
Qui a grignoté les biscuits ?
- C’est Lili la petite souris !
Qui a barboté les bonbons ?
- C’est le hérisson glouton !
Qui a chipé les caramels ?
- C’est mon ami l’hirondelle !
Qui a avalé la guimauve ?
- C’est le lapin qui se sauve !
Qui a mangé le dessert ?
- C’est un drôle de dromadaire !
Qui aura mal à l’estomac ?
- Heu !... Ce sera peut-être moi !

-Skating : skating went very well

-We finsihed to read the French story about the wolf saying he is the strongest

Bon weekend du Family Day à tous

Madame Claire

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