Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning the vocabulary related to our science experiments in order to get ready for the Science fair (coule, flotte, lai, riz, papier, bois, etc ...)

-Science : we did our last experiments related to the preparation of the science fair which consisted of discovering what can float and what drown. The students had to put several objects and materials into water and observe the reaction. Do not hesitate to go on doing the experiment at home with other objects

-Reading and writing : We learnt two new letters : C and S
We went on practising the writing of all the letters plus these two new ones
We went on working on the new copy book to go on practising writing and recognizing letters

-Maths : it went on well, everybody has finished the copybook now and all of them will start the new one next week.
We also started to make the link between the name of the number and the number itself. For this I asked them to show me the number X on the board.

-Art : they painted the clay so that to finish the Saint Valentine's day artwork

-Music and poem : we went on singing the bisousnours song

-Skating : skating went very well and they are all able to skate without any help now

-We also worked on a French story about a wolf saying he is the strongest

Bon weekend du Family Day à tous

Madame Claire

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