Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dear Parents,

Sometimes in the hussle and bussle of the children's day, some items (gloves, hat's gym clothing, socks) may have misplaced or taken by accident.

As such in effort, to help find these lost items and return them back to the student they belong to a "JK LOST AND FOUND" "JK OBJECTS TROUVES" box has been placed on top of the cubbies.

There is a GRAY LARGE BOX for larger articles of clothing and 2 BLACK BOXES for hat's and gloves

If you have accidentally received an item which does not belong to you, if you could kindly drop of the item in one of the boxes above upon drop off or pick up of the children.

Additionally, if you could also ensure to check upon drop off and pick up the children, just to ensure something of yours is not missing this would also be very helpful.

The boxes will be locked in the classroom on the Friday of each week, so please ensure to check to be certain you are not missing any important items for the weekend!

Hope this helps out!

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