Max Book Club! -L'École des Max

Subscription to Max Book Books

This is to remind you about the flyer that we have received last week regarding the subscription to the Minimax and Kilimax Book series from the Max Book Club (L'École des Loisirs). 

A Max Book subscription enables your family to receive and share 8 bestseller books throughout the school year (one book every month, from November until June).  You can also take a subscription for a child who is not a student in the school.  It is also possible to subscribe at any time during the year.

Here's how to get a subscription: 
  1. Read the booklet to see the selection of books for the year.
  2. Complete the "GROUP SUBSCRIPTION" form ("regroupé) on page 7.
  3. Return the form to the homeroom teacher with a cheque of the amount to the order of "L'école des loisirs".
For any question/information, please contact:

Anne Compagnie, MAX Book Club coordinator.

Tel.: 416-536-9375

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