Monday, February 9, 2015

Valentines Day!!

Hello Everyone!!,

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

In follow up to my conversation with a number of parents on how to make a Valentines Day a special day but simple day as well for the children, the following idea was recommended and approved by Madame Fabregue.

Please note that bon bons and chocolate are not permitted in the treat bags or to be distributed.


I will prepare some Valentines Treat Bags (1 for each child), which contain a pencial, eraser and a few stickers and a few things the children prepared.


Each child will also receive 1 Valentines Days Card(in their treat bag) either for a boy or girl and the cards can be rotated around in the classroom for each child to add their name to the card. The idea was to help save on paper(thus better for our environment and also make it simple.

For those, who already purchased valentines card, no worries a few extra cards just means the day will be even sweeter!

Happy Valentines Day JK Class!!!

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