Monday, February 9, 2015



Here are some basic reminders and rules I would like you to follow in your child's interest

-Provide the appropriate and complete equipment for outdoor recesses in this weather (even if we don't go out that much, when we do they need to be able to dress properly) : hat, scarf, snowpants, WATERPROOF boots, gloves and warm jacket all of this should fit your child properly. 

In addition I would like you to provide a pair of extra socks or tights so that they can change them in case they are wet and don't stay wet the rest of the day.

-As for the lunch box I would like to ask you to provide a PROPER lunch to the kids and not just a bunch of various snacks since they need to be fed properly to be able to fight against the cold and sickness around. 

-The children are supposed to arrive at school no later than 8.25 so that the organisation of the day start the best way possible and without too much disturbance for all the students.

Thanks for your cooperation in the best interest of your child

Madame Claire

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