Friday, February 27, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning the food vocabulary by bringing to the next level with new food names and they started to learn behind / in front of / next to in French too.

-Science : we revised all the experiemnt and vocabulary to get ready and do the Science Fair (Thanks all for coming to see their experiments)

-Reading and writing : We finished discovering the alphabet letters with the last three ones : X, Y, Z
We went on practising the writing of all the letters plus these three new ones as well as their name.
We went on working on the new copy book to go on practising writing and recognizing letters.
Additionally, we went on working on the sounds the letters are making, they had to find words with certain sounds and also clap their hands if they spot the sounds they were supposed to

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm
We went on learning how to count in French up until 70
We alos went on working the association between the number itself and its name with several activities.
We also practised getting aware of positions : in front of / behind / next to 

-Art : they made shapes with their handprint for an art project for the new school

-Music and poem : we went on learning the peom and they know it quite well now

Oh ! Les gourmands!

Qui a pris le chocolat ?
- Ce n’est pas moi, c’est le chat !
Qui a grignoté les biscuits ?
- C’est Lili la petite souris !
Qui a barboté les bonbons ?
- C’est le hérisson glouton !
Qui a chipé les caramels ?
- C’est mon ami l’hirondelle !
Qui aura mal à l’estomac ?
- Heu !... Ce sera peut-être moi !

Bon weekend à tous, to all the sick and tired take care and come back to us with some renewed energy :)

Madame Claire

Monday, February 23, 2015

Kleenex and Extra Clothing for Children


On behalf of Madame Claire, this is just a little reminder and follow up to request if all parents could ensure to bring a box of Kleenex, as with the season it appears this is definetely needed. 

Additionally, it was advised that school and the classrooms are a little chilly, and the kids often express they are cold,  so if possible to add a fex extra layers under neath the uniform this would be great! Ex. Undershirts and/or warm tights for the girls .

Kind Regards,

Sonya(on behalf of Madame Claire) 

Sunday, February 22, 2015

Monday February 23, 2015 is Pizza/Casual Dress Day


Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Just a reminder that this Monday February 23, 2015 is Pizza/Casual Dress Day as indicated below.

La Citadelle Pizza Day, Bake Sale and Casual Dress Dates

(Deducted from Spa) 

Should you wish to participate, please request the form from Home Room Teacher.

Dear Parents,

The LCA Student Council has organized themed casual days that will occur on the last Monday of every month (Pizza Days). 

The cost for each Casual Day is $2.00. Proceeds will be used for funding all of the events and fairs that are organized by The LCA Student Council. We are offering you the opportunity to cover all or some of the dates in one format.  If this is not an option for you, students are still able to pay the day of the event through their homeroom teacher. 


Date / Theme
$2 to participate (please check)


March 30
Mustache Day

April 27
Twin Day

May 25
Denim Day

June 15
Beach Day

Friday, February 20, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning the vocabulary related to our science experiments in order to get ready for the Science fair (coule, flotte, lai, riz, papier, bois, etc ...) and we also went on practising to express what they ate the day before : 'Hier j'ai mangé .... '
They watched the play about the spider

-Science : we revised all the experiemnt and vocabulary to get ready for the Science Fair

-Reading and writing : We learnt two new letters : H and W
We went on practising the writing of all the letters plus these two new ones
We went on working on the new copy book to go on practising writing and recognizing letters
I also made them practise writing their names on a much more frequent basis

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody at their own rhythm. We alos went on working the association between the number itself and its name with several activities

-Art : they did some cutting and gluing to make the science fair poster

-Music and poem : we started learning a new poem about food that you can find below

Oh ! Les gourmands!

Qui a pris le chocolat ?
- Ce n’est pas moi, c’est le chat !
Qui a grignoté les biscuits ?
- C’est Lili la petite souris !
Qui a barboté les bonbons ?
- C’est le hérisson glouton !
Qui a chipé les caramels ?
- C’est mon ami l’hirondelle !
Qui a avalé la guimauve ?
- C’est le lapin qui se sauve !
Qui a mangé le dessert ?
- C’est un drôle de dromadaire !
Qui aura mal à l’estomac ?
- Heu !... Ce sera peut-être moi !

-Skating : skating went very well

-We finsihed to read the French story about the wolf saying he is the strongest

Bon weekend du Family Day à tous

Madame Claire

Thursday, February 19, 2015



Just a quick reminder to let you know that next Wednesday we won't go skating since there is the Science Fair. Thus, you are all welcomed to come and let the students tell you all they learnt about water these last few weeks.

With the winter and the numerous running noses the tissue boxes are almost all empty so if every parent could provide a new one next week that would be great.

Thanks for your cooperation

Madame Claire

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning the vocabulary related to our science experiments in order to get ready for the Science fair (coule, flotte, lai, riz, papier, bois, etc ...)

-Science : we did our last experiments related to the preparation of the science fair which consisted of discovering what can float and what drown. The students had to put several objects and materials into water and observe the reaction. Do not hesitate to go on doing the experiment at home with other objects

-Reading and writing : We learnt two new letters : C and S
We went on practising the writing of all the letters plus these two new ones
We went on working on the new copy book to go on practising writing and recognizing letters

-Maths : it went on well, everybody has finished the copybook now and all of them will start the new one next week.
We also started to make the link between the name of the number and the number itself. For this I asked them to show me the number X on the board.

-Art : they painted the clay so that to finish the Saint Valentine's day artwork

-Music and poem : we went on singing the bisousnours song

-Skating : skating went very well and they are all able to skate without any help now

-We also worked on a French story about a wolf saying he is the strongest

Bon weekend du Family Day à tous

Madame Claire

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Valentine's day dress code


It has been decided that tomorrow would be casual day for Valentine's day and the dress code will be : RED

Thanks for your cooperation

Bonne journee

Madame Claire

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Dear Parents,

Sometimes in the hussle and bussle of the children's day, some items (gloves, hat's gym clothing, socks) may have misplaced or taken by accident.

As such in effort, to help find these lost items and return them back to the student they belong to a "JK LOST AND FOUND" "JK OBJECTS TROUVES" box has been placed on top of the cubbies.

There is a GRAY LARGE BOX for larger articles of clothing and 2 BLACK BOXES for hat's and gloves

If you have accidentally received an item which does not belong to you, if you could kindly drop of the item in one of the boxes above upon drop off or pick up of the children.

Additionally, if you could also ensure to check upon drop off and pick up the children, just to ensure something of yours is not missing this would also be very helpful.

The boxes will be locked in the classroom on the Friday of each week, so please ensure to check to be certain you are not missing any important items for the weekend!

Hope this helps out!

Monday, February 9, 2015



Here are some basic reminders and rules I would like you to follow in your child's interest

-Provide the appropriate and complete equipment for outdoor recesses in this weather (even if we don't go out that much, when we do they need to be able to dress properly) : hat, scarf, snowpants, WATERPROOF boots, gloves and warm jacket all of this should fit your child properly. 

In addition I would like you to provide a pair of extra socks or tights so that they can change them in case they are wet and don't stay wet the rest of the day.

-As for the lunch box I would like to ask you to provide a PROPER lunch to the kids and not just a bunch of various snacks since they need to be fed properly to be able to fight against the cold and sickness around. 

-The children are supposed to arrive at school no later than 8.25 so that the organisation of the day start the best way possible and without too much disturbance for all the students.

Thanks for your cooperation in the best interest of your child

Madame Claire

Valentines Day!!

Hello Everyone!!,

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

In follow up to my conversation with a number of parents on how to make a Valentines Day a special day but simple day as well for the children, the following idea was recommended and approved by Madame Fabregue.

Please note that bon bons and chocolate are not permitted in the treat bags or to be distributed.


I will prepare some Valentines Treat Bags (1 for each child), which contain a pencial, eraser and a few stickers and a few things the children prepared.


Each child will also receive 1 Valentines Days Card(in their treat bag) either for a boy or girl and the cards can be rotated around in the classroom for each child to add their name to the card. The idea was to help save on paper(thus better for our environment and also make it simple.

For those, who already purchased valentines card, no worries a few extra cards just means the day will be even sweeter!

Happy Valentines Day JK Class!!!

Friday, February 6, 2015

Reminder: Owens Birthday Sunday February 8, 2015 at 3:00pm

Hi Parents,

Just a quick reminder for those who are attending Owen's Birthday below.

Bon Weekend!

Hi everyone,

Please mark down Sunday February 8th 3PM onwards for Owen’s Birthday Party.
We would like to invite all Owen’s classmates … parents can drop kids off or feel free to join us for dinner + wine/beer.

Darth Vader is coming at 330PM; Dinner at 5PM; Cake at 6PM

The party will be at our house - 103 Rose Park Drive (1 North of St. Clair, West of Mt Pleasant), Toronto, ON

I’ll be sending a formal invitation later this month … just wanted to get it into all your calendars :-)

If you wish to RSVP ahead of time feel free to contact Mona or Jason. Their e-mail was provided in the e-mail sent earlier to you all!

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

This week was a little bit less busy due to the snow on Monday and also the number of absents due to sickness but we still achieved a great number of things and take time to revise what we saw before 

-French : we went on learning some food names and also fruits by using the structure : "j'ai mangé ..."
In relation with the science fair we started to learn some words related to the use of water (, etc ...)

-Science : we revised all the experiments we did in little groups and they impressed me by how they remembered everything so well

-Reading and writing : We revised the vowels and other consonnants we saw before with a magical colouring and I had them give me words with the sounds of the letters and show me the letters so that they can recognize them.
We went on practising the writing of all these letters
We went on working on the new copy book to go on practising writing and recognizing letters

-Maths : it went on well, each student always working on the two copybooks at their own rhythm and we the new one we started working on the notions of as much as, more and less.

-Art : they discovered clay and they were able to play with it before creating 'work of art' for Saint Valentine's day that we will paint next week

-Music and poem : we went on repeating the vowel poems and we learnt the song I posted on the blog earlier this week

-We also worked on a French story about playing in the snow

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Chanson de la saint valentin


Here is the video and lyrics of our new Valentine's day song, I hope you will enjoy to sing it with your child

Bonne journee

Madame Claire

Les bisous

Moi à mon Bisounours
Je lui fais des bisous
Des gentils, des tout doux
Des géants, des tout fous
Un bisou sur la joue
Un bisou dans le cou
Car mon p'tit Bisounours
Il adore les bisous

Des bisous partout OUH OUH OUH OUH
Sur le nez dans le cou OUH OUH OUH OUH
Des bisous, des bisous
Des milliers de bisous
et encore des bisous OUH OUH OUH OUH

Moi à mon Bisounours
Je lui fais des bisous
Et pour me dire merci
Il m'en fait lui aussi
Des gentils, des mimis
Des grands et des petits
Car mon p'tit Bisounours
Il adore les bisous

In case the video would not work here is the link to the youtube video