Sunday, November 16, 2014

This Week- Week of November 16, 2014

Week of November 16, 2014
Hello Parents,

Here are the updates for this week

1- School Trip to Ripley's Aquarium - Wednesday November 19

The students will attend a workshop at Ripley's Aquarium on Wednesday November 19. Through the workshop, the students will discover the amazing world of sharks, their jaws, as well as appreciate how misunderstood they are. They will also discover the diversity of body coverings of animals living in the aquatic eco-systems. After the workshop, the students will walk around the aquarium.

The school bus will leave the school at 9:15am and will return at 2:00pm. For this school trip, the students will be asked to wear their full uniform. They will have to bring a light lunch and snacks in their small blue backpack.

For the parent volunteers, each volunteer parent will escort one or two students and will take the school bus with the students. Please don't forget your camera.

I will send a reminder on Tuesday evening

2- Holiday Bazaard - Wednesday December 3

The PSC is cordially inviting you all to the Holiday Bazaard on Wednesday December 3 in the gymnasium. This event is from 3:30pm until 8:00pm.

- Free face painting & free admission
- Pizza and variety of healthy drinks 
- Karaoke for all ages
- Games for all ages
- Tons of shopping: fashion, jewelry, baked goods, comics
- Raffle and silent auction
- All kids and family members welcomed

3- Gala - Friday December 19

I am giving you a heads-up about the upcoming student gala on Friday December 19. Details about time and location will come from the school within the coming weeks.

Please be aware that the school is closed on that day and that parents and students are reportedly expected to attend. Having said that, please inform Mme Fabregues ASAP if you know ahead of time that your child will not attend the gala.

The gala is an opportunity to see our children performing songs that they have learned, and they will perform dressed in a costume.

Please let Madame Fabregues, know if you are interested in volunteering for this activity.

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