Friday, January 16, 2015

Week's achievements


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning and revising the geometric forms and also we started to learn how to express what they ate for breakfast or last diner.

-Science : we started to get ready for the Science Fair. We looked at different component and food (milk, juice, plastic, wood, ect ...) and made several tests to determine if they were liquid or solid. They really took a great interest in the experiences. Do not hesitate to ask them again if some food or elements you are using at home are solid or liquid

-Reading and writing : We revised the vowels and other consonnants we saw before. In addition, we learnt two new letters : R and L 

-Maths : we went on working on the two maths workbooks, most of them are almost done with this two books so that in one or two weeks we are going to start the new ones

-Art : we learnt how to create new colours by  mixing the primary ones and we completed the paint patel

-Music : they really sing the clown song very well now

-We also worked on a French story about 4 cats who are copying one another

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

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