Friday, January 30, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning food names by using the structure : "j'ai mangé ..." and fake food
In relation with the science fair we learnt some new words related to the use of water (farine, riz, bois, plastic, etc ...)

-Science : we went on getting ready for the Science fair by doing another experience to see what can mix or not with water using milk, flour, sugar, rice, wood, oil, etc ...
They had to cut and stick images in the right column

-Reading and writing : We revised the vowels and other consonnants we saw before. In addition, we learnt two new letters : G and J
They also started to have to find words with the sounds we've been studying already
We also went on working in the new copy book to go on practising writing letters

-Maths : it went on well, each student always working on the two copybooks at their own rhythm. Some started the new maths one and every one will start it next week.
We also did some manipulation with little cubes 

-Art : we revised the geometric forms in an artistic perspective. The students had to trace and cut geometric forms and then glue them on a common paper. Thus, they had to work together as a team  

-Music and peom : we went on revising the clown song and the poem about the vowels.

Don't forget we are going to skating again on Wednesday, the students need to come to school wearing their gym uniform and the more we are the merrier

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

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