Hello Parents,
Here are some upcoming reminders to keep note of:
1) Next Skating Lessons - Wednesday February 4, 2015
2) Location: Yorkmills arena, located on the corner of Yorkmills and Bayview Ave.
3) Time: The school bus leaves at 11:30am and will return to the school at 1:30pm. They will be on the ice from12:15pm until 1:00pm.
4)Volunteers: Always welcomed and the more the merrier, if interested, please ensure to arrive at the arena at about 11:45am.
5) Attire: The children will need to arrive at school wearing their gym uniform for this activity.
Please ensure to provide the following items in a Thick PLASTIC Bag labelled with your childs name for this event:
A.Snow jacket and their snow pants
B. Gloves(water proof would be best if possible) or thick mittens
C. Ice Skates-which fit, please ensure to double check if they still fit, just in case!
D. Helmut-mandatory, and must be a C.S.A. approved hockey helmet with face guard.
2) La Citadelle Events Calendar
I am forwarding you this message from Denise Voinica, our IT Coordinator.
Dear parents,
The following information is provided to facilitate your use and navigation of our website.
1. To subscribe to the La Citadelle Events Calendar (Google Calendar): There are two ways to achieve this:
Method 1
a. Click on the following link on your mobile device https://www.google.com/calendar/ical/webmaster%40lacitadelleacademy.com/public/basic.ics
b. When asked to subscribe, click yes
c. La Citadelle events will now be added to the calendar application on your phone. Any updates made to the La Citadelle subscribed calendar will automatically appear on your device
Method 2 (Google account required)
a. Go to lacitadelleacademy.com website. Then from the site menu choose news>calendar or click on the link below http://www.lacitadelleacademy.com/_/
b. On the calendar scroll to the bottom of the calendar page and click on the +Google Calendar button.
2. Here are some active links to the most visited La Citadelle website features:
a. La Citadelle has an active YouTube channel where videos of school events are uploaded https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBAmw50YMGo3VVD-WeJS5bw
b. La Citadelle website incorporates a photo gallery with photos of many students’ events from current and past years http://www.lacitadelleacademy.com/picture-galleries-2/
c. La Citadelle website has an entire section dedicated to our new building located at 36 Scarsdale Road http://www.lacitadelleacademy.com/a-new-beginning/
d. For the latest school updates follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/LaCitadelle1
3) Upcoming PA Day - Friday February 13
I am giving you a heads-up about the upcoming Professional Activity Day on Friday February 13 (that's next week). The school will be closed on that day.
4) Upcoming Family Day - Monday February 16
Please take note that the school will be closed on Monday February 16 for Family Day. Therefore, this will be a 4-day long weekend.
a. Go to lacitadelleacademy.com website. Then from the site menu choose news>calendar or click on the link below http://www.lacitadelleacademy.com/_/
b. On the calendar scroll to the bottom of the calendar page and click on the +Google Calendar button.
2. Here are some active links to the most visited La Citadelle website features:
a. La Citadelle has an active YouTube channel where videos of school events are uploaded https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCBAmw50YMGo3VVD-WeJS5bw
b. La Citadelle website incorporates a photo gallery with photos of many students’ events from current and past years http://www.lacitadelleacademy.com/picture-galleries-2/
c. La Citadelle website has an entire section dedicated to our new building located at 36 Scarsdale Road http://www.lacitadelleacademy.com/a-new-beginning/
d. For the latest school updates follow us on Twitter at https://twitter.com/LaCitadelle1
3) Upcoming PA Day - Friday February 13
I am giving you a heads-up about the upcoming Professional Activity Day on Friday February 13 (that's next week). The school will be closed on that day.
4) Upcoming Family Day - Monday February 16
Please take note that the school will be closed on Monday February 16 for Family Day. Therefore, this will be a 4-day long weekend.