Saturday, January 31, 2015

Hello Parents,

Here are some upcoming reminders to keep note of:

1)  Next Skating Lessons - Wednesday February 4, 2015

2) Location: Yorkmills arena, located on the corner of Yorkmills and Bayview Ave.

3) Time: The school bus leaves at 11:30am and will return to the school at 1:30pm. They will be on the ice from12:15pm until 1:00pm.

4)Volunteers: Always welcomed and the more the merrier, if interested, please ensure to arrive at the arena at about 11:45am.

5) Attire: The children will need to arrive at school wearing their gym uniform for this activity.

Please ensure to provide the following items in a Thick PLASTIC Bag labelled with your childs name for this event:
A.Snow jacket and their snow pants
B. Gloves(water proof would be best if possible) or thick mittens
C. Ice Skates-which fit, please ensure to double check if they still fit, just in case!
D. Helmut-mandatory, and must be a C.S.A. approved hockey helmet with face guard.

2) La Citadelle Events Calendar

I am forwarding you this message from Denise Voinica, our IT Coordinator.

Dear parents,

The following information is provided to facilitate your use and navigation of our website.

1. To subscribe to the La Citadelle Events Calendar (Google Calendar): There are two ways to achieve this:

Method 1

a. Click on the following link on your mobile device
b. When asked to subscribe, click yes
c. La Citadelle events will now be added to the calendar application on your phone. Any updates made to the La Citadelle subscribed calendar will automatically appear on your device
Method 2 (Google account required)
a. Go to website. Then from the site menu choose news>calendar or click on the link below
b. On the calendar scroll to the bottom of the calendar page and click on the +Google Calendar button.

2. Here are some active links to the most visited La Citadelle website features:

a. La Citadelle has an active YouTube channel where videos of school events are uploaded
b. La Citadelle website incorporates a photo gallery with photos of many students’ events from current and past years
c. La Citadelle website has an entire section dedicated to our new building located at 36 Scarsdale Road
d. For the latest school updates follow us on Twitter at

3) Upcoming PA Day - Friday February 13

I am giving you a heads-up about the upcoming Professional Activity Day on Friday February 13 (that's next week). The school will be closed on that day.

4) Upcoming Family Day - Monday February 16

Please take note that the school will be closed on Monday February 16 for Family Day. Therefore, this will be a 4-day long weekend.

Friday, January 30, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning food names by using the structure : "j'ai mangé ..." and fake food
In relation with the science fair we learnt some new words related to the use of water (farine, riz, bois, plastic, etc ...)

-Science : we went on getting ready for the Science fair by doing another experience to see what can mix or not with water using milk, flour, sugar, rice, wood, oil, etc ...
They had to cut and stick images in the right column

-Reading and writing : We revised the vowels and other consonnants we saw before. In addition, we learnt two new letters : G and J
They also started to have to find words with the sounds we've been studying already
We also went on working in the new copy book to go on practising writing letters

-Maths : it went on well, each student always working on the two copybooks at their own rhythm. Some started the new maths one and every one will start it next week.
We also did some manipulation with little cubes 

-Art : we revised the geometric forms in an artistic perspective. The students had to trace and cut geometric forms and then glue them on a common paper. Thus, they had to work together as a team  

-Music and peom : we went on revising the clown song and the poem about the vowels.

Don't forget we are going to skating again on Wednesday, the students need to come to school wearing their gym uniform and the more we are the merrier

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

Sunday, January 25, 2015


Hope everyone had a great weekend!!

Just a reminder that this Monday January 26, 2014 is Pizza/Casual Dress Day as indicated below.

La Citadelle Pizza Day, Bake Sale and Casual Dress Dates

(Deducted from Spa) 

Should you wish to participate, please request the form from Home Room Teacher.

Dear Parents,

The LCA Student Council has organized themed casual days that will occur on the last Monday of every month (Pizza Days). 

The cost for each Casual Day is $2.00. Proceeds will be used for funding all of the events and fairs that are organized by The LCA Student Council. We are offering you the opportunity to cover all or some of the dates in one format.  If this is not an option for you, students are still able to pay the day of the event through their homeroom teacher. 


Date / Theme
$2 to participate (please check)

January 26
Favorite Colour Day


February 23
Pattern Day

March 30
Mustache Day

April 27
Twin Day

May 25
Denim Day

June 15
Beach Day

Friday, January 23, 2015

Week's achievements


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning and revising the geometric forms and we also went on learning some food names by using the structure : "j'ai mangé ..."
In relation with the science fair we started to learn some words related to the use of water (piscine, vaiselle, lac, océan, etc ...)

-Science : we went on getting ready for the Science fair by making a list of where we can find water and how can we use it at home. After the list was done, they had to decide wether it was water we can find in nature or water we use at home
They had to cut and stick images in the right column

-Reading and writing : We revised the vowels and other consonnants we saw before. In addition, we learnt two new letters : Q and K
They also started to have to find words with the sounds we've been studying already
We started a new copy book to go on practising writing letters

-Maths : it went on well, each student always working on the two copybooks at their own rhythm. Some reached the end of them and will start the new ones next week. The others will certainly be done next week and start the new ones the folling week.
In addition, we went on learning to count until 60 

-Art : we looked at Monet's painting "Les nenuphars" and with special pens and water they tried to reproduce the painting (,d.aWw&psig=AFQjCNHGlaPtve-YvpTjwjYkSVk42-1PVA&ust=1422122148830115) 

-Music and peom : we learnt a new peom about vowels as you can find in a previous post

-We also worked on a French story

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

Monday, January 19, 2015

New poem


Please find below the new poem we started to learn today

Bonne journee

Madame Claire

Les voyelles

A marche à grands pas
en répétant : "ah ah ah !"
E est un peu bête :
Il se prend
pour une fourchette!
I pleure dans son coin :
" Hi hi ! J'ai perdu mon point !"
O regarde son bedon
et dit : "oh oh !
que je suis rond !
U cet hurluberlu
chante partout : "turlututu !

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Le patinage/SKATING!

Hello Parents,

Here are a few quick reminders re: SKATING  to recommence this week,

1) Date:Skating Lessons - Wednesday January 21

2) Location: Yorkmills arena, located on the corner of Yorkmills and Bayview Ave.

3) Time:  The school bus leaves at 11:30am and will return to the school at 1:30pm. They will be on                    the ice from12:15pm until 1:00pm.
4)Volunteers: Always welcomed and the more the merrier, if interested, please ensure to arrive at the                         arena at about 11:45am. 

5) Attire: The children will need to arrive at school wearing their gym uniform for this activity. 

Please ensure to provide the following items in a Thick PLASTIC Bag labelled with your childs name for this event:

A.Snow jacket and their snow pants
B. Gloves(water proof would be best if possible)  or thick mittens
C. Ice Skates-which fit, please ensure to double check if they still fit, just in case!
D. Helmut-mandatory, and must be a C.S.A. approved hockey helmet with face guard.

Friday, January 16, 2015

Week's achievements


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on learning and revising the geometric forms and also we started to learn how to express what they ate for breakfast or last diner.

-Science : we started to get ready for the Science Fair. We looked at different component and food (milk, juice, plastic, wood, ect ...) and made several tests to determine if they were liquid or solid. They really took a great interest in the experiences. Do not hesitate to ask them again if some food or elements you are using at home are solid or liquid

-Reading and writing : We revised the vowels and other consonnants we saw before. In addition, we learnt two new letters : R and L 

-Maths : we went on working on the two maths workbooks, most of them are almost done with this two books so that in one or two weeks we are going to start the new ones

-Art : we learnt how to create new colours by  mixing the primary ones and we completed the paint patel

-Music : they really sing the clown song very well now

-We also worked on a French story about 4 cats who are copying one another

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Gala on youtube


For the ones who want to have a look at the video from the gala here is the link . Enjoy again :)

Bonne journée

Madame Claire

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Reminder: Owen's Birthday-Sunday February 8th 3PM

Hi everyone,

Please mark down Sunday February 8th 3PM onwards for Owen’s Birthday Party.
We would like to invite all Owen’s classmates … parents can drop kids off or feel free to join us for dinner + wine/beer.

Darth Vader is coming at 330PM; Dinner at 5PM; Cake at 6PM

The party will be at our house - 103 Rose Park Drive (1 North of St. Clair, West of Mt Pleasant), Toronto, ON

I’ll be sending a formal invitation later this month … just wanted to get it into all your calendars :-)

If you wish to RSVP ahead of time feel free to contact Mona or Jason. Their e-mail was provided in the e-mail sent earlier to you all!

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Jk a la patinoire


Just a quick note to thank all the parents that helped me today it was really handy, do not hesitate to come again :)

The children were amazing on their skates and all of them made efforts to try and get back to their feet after every falling down.

As some of you were able to see tonight there is a little exhibition of how they saw the experience in the JK corridor. Do not hesitate to come amd have a look

Bonne soiree

Madame Claire

Gym uniform


I was asked to remind all the parents that the students need to wear their full gym uniform (sweater, gym pants and school white long sleeve t. shirt if needed) every Wednesday for skating lesson.

Thanks for your cooperation

Bonne journee

Madame Claire

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New song


Please find attached the video and lyrics of our new song

Monday, January 5, 2015

Skating and blue cover sheet


First of all Happy New Year to the one I haven't seen already

Two points for this week :

-Please could you bring me back the blue cover sheet in which there was your child papers. You can keep the papers but I would need the cover back to be able to use it again for this trimestre.

-For the skating lessons, all the parents that said that they could come and help us are more than welcome every time we are going. You would need to meet us at the arena directly and we will be there around 11.45 am - noon . The lesson will start at 12.15

Thanks a lot for your cooperation and help

Bonne soiree

Madame Claire