Friday, October 24, 2014

End of the week information

Yesterday the children did art : we painted with our fingers and hands in order to create cards you are going to be able to purchase. Here are some explanations :
You have received today a drawing created by your child as part of the Cards By Me fundraising program.  With this program, you are being given the opportunity to order greeting cards and/or calendars with your child's artwork on the cover. 
A set of 12 greeting cards and envelopes is priced at $25.00 and the calendar is $7.50.  Both greeting cards and calendars are offered for $30.00.   
If you are interested in participating in this program, please fill out the form on the back of the drawing.  Return the completed form with the drawing and the money to Madame Claire on Monday October 27.  This is to ensure that the greeting cards are printed on time for the holiday season. 
If you are not interested in this program, please return the drawing to Madame Claire.

We also started to study colours and animals in French. We worked on the vowels O, A, U, I, and we go on learning counting until 30.

A lot of things are planned for next week : 
-Monday is pizza day and pyjama day - please make sure you have already sent the form and 18 dollars for the whole year if your child is participating.
-Wednesday is Halloween and we will give the presents to Madame Maya : don't forget to bring a costume and bring back the permission form and payment if you have not brought it back already please
-Friday is Parents - Teachers meeting

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