Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Christmas Gala costume


We are looking at a costume for the Christmas gala and since the children are going to sing a song about a snowman this costume seems to be a good match. The final price of this costume (with taxes and delivery) would be around 25 dollars (here is the link if you want to take a look :
http://www.amazon.com/Snowman-Costume-Children-range-years/dp/B000YD9RKW/ref=sr_1_49?ie=UTF8&qid=1413918985&sr=8-49&keywords=snowman+costume )
So we wanted to know if you would be ok to pay this price to order the costume for your children. We would need to have it for mid-November. And of course you will be able to keep the costume after the gala.
You can let me know if you would be ok with this option by commenting on this post or by simply telling me at school. We would need all the parents to be ok with it before going through with it but if it's not the case we would fine another solution. When the final decision will be taken I will let you know for sure.

Madame Claire

PS ; For the cards if you do not want to order some think to bring us the picture back please and I will give it back to your children later on.


  1. They will look adorable! $25 is fine with us.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is perfectly fine with us. Thank you for your efforts. (sorry for above just putting my last name)
