Friday, May 22, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on working on the animal farm names and also learnt the names of some of their babies

-Reading and writing : We went on working on associating letters to form syllables : P + A = PA, etc .... 
They also went one practising writing words and letters.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm on their copybooks
Most of them are on the last math book now
We went on counting up to 100

-Science : we studied frogs and how they develop from eggs to tadpole to frog. We also watched a video in French on this subject

-Music and poem : We went on learning the poem about farm animals

A la ferme
Qui est blanche avec des taches ?
C'est la VACHE !

Qui a des petits frisons ?
C’est le MOUTON !

Qui est tout rose et tout rond ?
C’est le COCHON !

Qui est doux comme un calin ?
C’est le LAPIN !

Qui galope et qui cavale ?
C’est le CHEVAL ! 

Art : We made beautiful necklaces

We will have our last gymnastic sessions on Wednesday
On Friday there is the barbecue again.
Sun screen and hats : Please make sure that your child comes to school with a hat and some sun screen. I would appreciate that you put some on them before school and I will put some more before lunch resses. Thanks for your cooperation

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

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