Friday, May 29, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we revised a little bit of everything we learnt during the year

-Reading and writing : We went on working on counting syllables and looking for certain sounds in words
They also went one practising writing words and letters.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm on their copybooks
All of them are on the last math book now
We went on counting up to 100 and even went up to 130 once
We started to work on the weighing process with a real scale seeing what is heavier or lighter

-Science : we studied frogs growing process again and drew it.

-Music and poem : We learnt the new song I posted on the blog earlier this week. The students love it (we only did the three first verses)

-Story : We read a story about a teddy bear and his friend on a deserted island

Art : They wrote their names with play do making the letters by themselves

Sun screen and hats : Please make sure that your child comes to school with a hat and some sun screen. I would appreciate that you put some on them before school and I will put some more before lunch resses. Thanks for your cooperation

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

New song

Here is the new song we are learning this week

Bonne soiree

Madame Claire

Friday, May 22, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on working on the animal farm names and also learnt the names of some of their babies

-Reading and writing : We went on working on associating letters to form syllables : P + A = PA, etc .... 
They also went one practising writing words and letters.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm on their copybooks
Most of them are on the last math book now
We went on counting up to 100

-Science : we studied frogs and how they develop from eggs to tadpole to frog. We also watched a video in French on this subject

-Music and poem : We went on learning the poem about farm animals

A la ferme
Qui est blanche avec des taches ?
C'est la VACHE !

Qui a des petits frisons ?
C’est le MOUTON !

Qui est tout rose et tout rond ?
C’est le COCHON !

Qui est doux comme un calin ?
C’est le LAPIN !

Qui galope et qui cavale ?
C’est le CHEVAL ! 

Art : We made beautiful necklaces

We will have our last gymnastic sessions on Wednesday
On Friday there is the barbecue again.
Sun screen and hats : Please make sure that your child comes to school with a hat and some sun screen. I would appreciate that you put some on them before school and I will put some more before lunch resses. Thanks for your cooperation

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

Thursday, May 14, 2015

Reminders for May 18, 2015

Hello Everyone!

Just a few reminders from Madame Claire below:

Next week will be quite busy and granted there is no school on Monday, May 18. 2015 please be apprised of the following:

Wednesday May 20, 2015 Gymnastic Class

  • Please ensure the children are dressed in their proper gym uniform

Thursday May 21, 2015 Field Trip to Farm

  • Please remember to cancel the kids kitchen if you ordered it and provide an easy to eat snack and lunch for the day) The children have to wear their gym uniforms and carry their food in the school backpack. 
  • Please, bring Madame Claire back the authorization form signed if you didn't do so already.

Friday May 22, 2015 Spring fair

  • Please make sure that your child has a change of clothes that are comfortable to run and jump in. 
There will also be the second barbecue

Sun screen and hats : Please make sure that your child comes to school with a hat and some sun screen. I would appreciate that you put some on them before school and I will put some more before lunch resses. Thanks for your cooperation

We would like to wish a Happy Victoria Day!

Kind Regards,


Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on working on the animal farm names and also learnt more about turtles body parts in French : pates / queue / tete / ventre / carapace

-Reading and writing : We went on working on the difference between bold letters and  small letters.
We started associating letters to form syllables : P + A = PA, etc .... 
They also went one practising writing words and letters.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm on their copybooks
Some of them started the last math book
We also did an exercise consisting of associating numbers and quantity
We went on counting up to 100

-Science : we studied sea turtles and how they lay eggs then grow up. We also drew about their growing process from birth to becoming an adult.

-Music and poem : We started a new poem about farm animals

A la ferme
Qui est blanche avec des taches ?
C'est la VACHE !

Qui a des petits frisons ?
C’est le MOUTON !

Qui est tout rose et tout rond ?
C’est le COCHON !

Qui est doux comme un calin ?
C’est le LAPIN !

Qui galope et qui cavale ?
C’est le CHEVAL

-Story : We read a story about a pirate and a treasure

Reminders : It will be a busy week
There will be no school on Monday
We will have our gymnastic sessions on Wednesday
On Thursday we will go to the farm (thinks about cancelling the kids kitchen if you ordered it and provide an easy to eat snack and lunch for the day) The children have to wear their gym uniforms and carry their food in the school backpack. 
On Friday there is the Spring fair : please make sure that your child have a change of cloth and that they come to school weary cloth in which they will be comfortable to run and jump.
They will also be the second barbecue
Sun screen and hats : Please make sure that your child comes to school with a hat and some sun screen. I would appreciate that you put some on them before school and I will put some more before lunch resses. Thanks for your cooperation

Bon weekend prolongé à tous

Madame Claire

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Reminder for JK Class Week of May 11,2015

chers parents!

Just a friemdly reminder that tomorrow is our first BBQ. 
Please don not forget, to have students bring their snacks for tomorrow . If you have deceided to not participate please ensure to pack a a lunch for your child.

In addition to the BBQ, for those who have paid for the casual day can therefore dress in casual tomorrow.

Finally, don't forget that this Friday is a PA day. There is no school.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we went on working on the animal farm names. We used this video

-Reading and writing : We went on working on the difference between bold letters and small letters mostly by associationg the two different cases in various exercises
We also did an activity consisting of recognizing a specific sound in different words. We started with easy sounds again (o/i/a) and then went on with consonants such as T / P / M 
They also went one practising writing words and letters.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm on their copybooks
We alos went on working the association between the number itself and its name with several activities.
We also did an exercise consisting of associating numbers and quantity
We went on counting up to 100

-Science : we studied a branch and buds as well as leaves. 
They also spent a very good and interesting time during the wood workshop during which they learnt how to use a real hammer and screws. The planes were really a big success.

-Art : we did maracas with yogurt pots that they are going to use in music classes with Miss Hayley and we painted the planes

-Music and poem : we learnt a new song for Mother's day. Do not hesitate to ask them to sing it for you. Here is the music to help them if needed. They mainly know the chorus not really the verses. The song start at 1.28

-Story : We finished the story of the Petit Chapeau Rond Rouge and they were able to remember and tell me what happened before we started reading the end of it.

-World vision : We sent an email to the other one of our world vision friend (Doulle) 

Reminder : We will have our gymnastic sessions on Wednesday, and no school on Friday 15th .
Sun screen and hats : Please make sure that your child comes to school with a hat and some sun screen. I would appreciate that you put some on them before school and I will put some more before lunch resses. Thanks for your cooperation

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

Friday, May 1, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we worked on the animal farm names

-Reading and writing : We went on working on the difference between bold letters and small letters mostly by associationg the two different cases in various exercises
We also did an activity consisting of recognizing a specific sound in different words. We started with easy sounds (o/i/a) and we will go on with harder ones during the following weeks
They also went one practising writing their names and all the letters in cursive.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm
We alos went on working the association between the number itself and its name with several activities.
We also did an exercise consisting of associating numbers and quantity
We started counting up to 100

-Science : we started our cycle on the animals with a fist approach on the animals we can find in a farm and their sounds. 

-Art : Still a secret :)

-Music and poem : we went on learning the new poem and they know it pretty well now


Coccinelle, demoiselle
Ou t'en vas tu donc ?
Je m'en vais dans le soleil
Car c'est la qu'est ma maison
Bonjour, bonjour, dit le soleil,
Il fait chaud et il fait bon.
Le monde est plein de merveilles
Il fait bon se lever tot.''

-Story : We started reading the story of the Chapeau rond rouge a revised version of the original one (Le petit chaperon rouge) and we will finish to read it next week

-World vision : We sent an email to one of our world vision friend (Fatoumata) 

Need your help : I want the JK to do some maracas that they would be able to use in music but for that I would need you to spare the yogurt bottle (like the YOP or IOGO ones) you or the children may eat and bring them to school please. We will do it on Friday. Thanks for your help.

Reminder : We will have the wood workshop on Tuesday, and we will resume our gymnastic sessions on Wednesday.

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire