Friday, March 27, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we revised a little bit of everything : food, body parts, colours, and position and we learnt the two words : salé and sucré

-Reading and writing : We started working on the difference between bold letters and small letters. 
We also did several activity sheets on recognizing the letters especially b/p/q/f/t
They also went one practising writing their names and all the letters in small letters.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm
We alos went on working the association between the number itself and its name with several activities.
We revised getting aware of positions : in front of / behind / next to (in French : devant / derriere / a coté)

-Science : we started to think about the difference between salty and sugary food and we classified food in these two groups according to their taste. 

-Art : I let them paint freely and after they had to describe what they painted so that they go on learning new vocabulary

-Music and poem : we learnt the poem I posted earlier this week.

-Story : We read a story about the different type of  weather. They told me the story through their own vision and words  in French with the pictures first, then I read the story to check the differences. 

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

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