Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Seeds and plants


In one or three weeks we are going to start planting seeds to observe a plant grows. In relation to this science experiment we are going to do some art with seeds too. Therefore, I would like to ask each of you to bring one thing (see the list below please) so that in the end we got all we need to do our experiment and work of art.

If you could bring me this for Tuesday 8th March it would be perfect. It doesn't have to be something of great quality since it won't be to eat so do not hesitate to take the cheapest you find.

List of things to bring : a small box of
White or black sesame seeds
Black lentils
Dry corn
White or green lentils
oat mill
White beans


Thanks in advance for your cooperation and participation

Bonne soirée

Madame Claire

Friday, March 27, 2015

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements :

-French : we revised a little bit of everything : food, body parts, colours, and position and we learnt the two words : salé and sucré

-Reading and writing : We started working on the difference between bold letters and small letters. 
We also did several activity sheets on recognizing the letters especially b/p/q/f/t
They also went one practising writing their names and all the letters in small letters.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm
We alos went on working the association between the number itself and its name with several activities.
We revised getting aware of positions : in front of / behind / next to (in French : devant / derriere / a coté)

-Science : we started to think about the difference between salty and sugary food and we classified food in these two groups according to their taste. 

-Art : I let them paint freely and after they had to describe what they painted so that they go on learning new vocabulary

-Music and poem : we learnt the poem I posted earlier this week.

-Story : We read a story about the different type of  weather. They told me the story through their own vision and words  in French with the pictures first, then I read the story to check the differences. 

Bon weekend à tous

Madame Claire

Monday March 30, 2015- Pizza Day, Bake Sale and Casual Dress Day Reminder

Pizza Day, Bake Sale and Casual Dress Day Reminder

Bonjour Parents,

Just a reminder that Monday March 30, 2015 is Mustache Casual Day as well as the Pizza and Bake Sale.

Have a look below for more details.

Bon Journée

La Citadelle Pizza Day, Bake Sale and Casual Dress Dates:
(Deducted from Spa)

Should you wish to participate, please request the form from Home Room Teacher.

Dear Parents,

The LCA Student Council has organized themed casual days that will occur on the last Monday of every month (Pizza Days). The cost for each Casual Day is $2.00.

Proceeds will be used for funding all of the events and fairs that are organized by The LCA Student Council. We are offering you the opportunity to cover all or some of the dates in one format.

If this is not an option for you, students are still able to pay the day of the event through their homeroom teacher.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

New poem


Here is the new poem for these next two weeks

Jeannot Lapin

Jeannot Lapin est malade
Il lui faut un petit cœur de salade
Jeannot Lapin est au lit
Il lui faut une fleur de pissenlit
Jeannot Lapin a mal au bras
Il lui faut un œuf en chocolat

Description: Résultats de recherche d'images pour « jeannot lapin »

Little reminder : for those of you who didn't bring back markers for the white board please think about it because I will start using it with them on a more regular basis. 

Thanks for your cooperation

Madame Claire

Friday, March 6, 2015

Bonnes vacances :)

Bonnes vacances et bon carnaval de la part de tous les JK

Week's achievement


Here are some of our week achievements bearing in mind that it was less  busy than it would regularly have been regarding the number of sick children and their level of tiredness :

-French : we revised a little bit of everything : food, body parts, colours, and position

-Reading and writing : We revised all the letters by practising recognizing and writing them as well as their sounds and names.
We went on working on the copy book to go on practising writing and recognizing letters and half of the children are done with it already.
They also went one practising writing their names.

-Maths : it went on well, as usually everybody has been working at their own rhythm
We alos went on working the association between the number itself and its name with several activities.
We also practised getting aware of positions : in front of / behind / next to 

-Art : they made masks for Carnaval and also colored an Arlequin

-Music and poem : we learnt the carnaval song I posted this week

-Story : We read the story of Boucles d'or et les trois ours. 

+ we started talking about Fatoumata et Doulle the two world vision kids and they made a drawing of themselves for them and on Thursday afternoon we all had great fun at the Hoza company show about Black History. 

If you want to work a little with your child these holidays do not hesitate to have them show you the number you tell them, count their toys or everything else, write their names in capital letters and have them show you the letters you ask them about.
You can also ask them to do again the exercises of the leaflet I gave you. You can ask them to explain to you what they had to do for example. 
They can also watch French movies or cartoon to stay exposed to the language.
But most of all they need to relax so that they can start afresh after March break.

Bonnes vacances à tous

Madame Claire

Monday, March 2, 2015

Carnaval song


Please find below the song we are going to learn this week for carnaval. We will certainly only learn 1, 2 and 3 plus the chorus

Bonne journée

Madame Claire

Reminder : SKATING


Just a quick note to remind you all that this Wednesday is the last skating lesson. The students have to come dressed in full gym uniform in the morning amd bring their equipment along.

Thanks for your cooperation

Madame Claire